More likely it means Mr Mubarak handing over the reins to Mr Suleiman, his former intelligence chief, or the supreme council of the armed forces. 但这更有可能意味着穆巴拉克将大权交给前情报局长苏莱曼或者武装部队最高委员会。
International relations professor Murat Bilhan, a former official in the Turkish Foreign Ministry, says tensions with Syria are making some in the Turkish armed forces nervous. 国际关系教授比尔安曾任土耳其外交部官员,他说,土耳其和叙利亚形成的紧张局势使土耳其军队中一些人非常紧张。
The former president, who has taken refuge in South Africa, is said to enjoy support outside the capital and in sections of the armed forces. 避难南非的前总统据说得到了首都以外地区和部分武装部队的支持。马达加斯加的新老板还没有稳操胜券。
The charge came from Lord Guthrie, former head of the Armed Forces and colonel commandant of the SAS. 上述费用来自主格思里,武装部队和SAS的上校司令的前负责人。
Ukraine is a former Soviet republic and since dissolution of USSR its armed forces used Soviet-era small arms, including the Kalashnikov AKM and AK-74 assault rifles. 乌克兰是前苏联加盟共和国和苏联解体以来其武装部队使用苏联时代的小型武器,包括卡拉什尼科夫的AKM和支AK-74突击步枪。